My Potential Action Research Plan
I am seriously thinking of deviating from my internship plan to a topic
that I think I will be more engaged in developing a solution for. I want to
find out if the drop out rate for high school seniors is reduced due to
the credit recovery course that my high school offers. We call this
course (ACE) for Accelerated Credit Education. It is specifically
designed to help those students who have had a rough time in a normal
classroom setting and who may have failed previous classes or even a
whole year. I think it is of critical importance for two reasons: 1) the
students that want to drop out, as we all know, put themselves at a
great disadvantage for gaining a great job and living a successful life.
Most of the time they get a minimum or slightly higher paying job and
they think that is answer to their money problems and life will be
pretty easy. 2) It helps keep money in the district by keeping students
in school. I believe doing an action research study on this topic would
be beneficial in helping solving the dropout rate for our school and
hopefully help another school to decide to implement this course into their curriculum.
I think your idea sounds very do-able. It also sounds like something worth researching. I've never really thought about keeping money in the district. Good luck!